Boost Your Visibility
CONVERT your LinkedIn Profile into a LEAD GENERATION WEBSITE with Profile★Visitor
Collaborative Outreach
Profile★Visitor for LinkedIn 'Sales Navigator' helps you make quality contact with client prospects, sales prospects, and hiring managers.
Collaborative Outreach...
► I'll make the connections for you while sharing my best practices for leveraging LinkedIn 'Sales Navigator' using Profile★Visitor to find new clients, customers or a better paying job.
YOUR PARTNER: Prof. Peter C. Ekstrom, Adjunct Professor, Sales & Marketing Communications & Entrepreneurial Studies. Pace University - The Lubin School of Business (NYC). 📈 VC Entrepreneur w/ 8 Exits 🗣 Linguist & Wordsmith
Online Textbook 👉 📞
► On Your Behalf I conduct daily Profile★Visitor outreach campaigns to those in my academic and professional networks that fit the profile of your ideal sales prospects or job targets in order to promote and draw quality attention to YOU and YOUR BUSINESS.
👉 Job Hunters & Independent Consultants
Your Path to LinkedIn Mastery
Each step in the Profile★Visitor process is crafted to streamline your LinkedIn activities, enabling you to focus more on closing deals and less on prospecting, all while building a robust professional network.
Step 1: Discovery and Campaign Planning
Begin your journey with Profile Visitor by engaging in an in-depth campaign planning discussion to understand and define your business needs. Through our initial conversation and a detailed online survey, we collect essential information to tailor your LinkedIn strategy precisely to your objectives.
Step 2: LinkedIn Profile Optimization
Our experts work with you to craft a LinkedIn profile that stands boosts your visibility, credibility, and trust. We develop a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience, and focus on enhancing your profile's key elements to make a powerful first impression.
Step 3: Campaign Development
In this step, we establish a systematic process to engage with your target market effectively. We use the information from the discovery phase to define your audience and set clear, actionable goals. Together, we review the Profile-Visitor Success Guide to ensure you're equipped to manage and track the campaign's progress efficiently.
Step 4: Campaign Management & Lead Conversion
Finally, we move to active engagement. Your Profile-Visitor account is set up to automate sending personalized connection requests and LinkedIn InMail messages daily. This proactive approach is designed to convert connections into valuable business opportunities. Additionally, we provide you with advanced tools to enhance your follow-up strategies.
Immediate Engagement
See interaction from day one with key decision-makers
No More Cold Calling
Switch to warm introductions with our automated system
Streamlined Sales
Spend more time closing and less time prospecting
Consistent Results
Maintain a steady flow of leads with minimal effort
Profile Optimization
Transform your LinkedIn profile into a client magnet that captures attention in the first 2-5 seconds
Authority Positioning
Develop a compelling elevator pitch to elevate your professional image and authority
Designed for Professionals Committed to Excellence
Profile★Visitor is tailored for ambitious professionals and entrepreneurs who want to leverage LinkedIn to its fullest potential.
Whether you are in sales, consulting, or a sector that thrives on strategic networking, our service is crafted to enhance your online presence and connect you with key decision-makers.
By automating and optimizing your LinkedIn activities, Profile Visitor enables you to focus on what you do best—growing your business and nurturing meaningful connections.
Technology Sales
Software, hardware, telecom, consulting, and services professionals looking to expand their industry footprint
Financial Advisors
Wealth management advisors and financial consultants aiming to increase their client base and influence
Insurance Sales
Commercial insurance agents, risk management professionals, and business consultants
Thought Leaders
Authors, speakers, trainers, and consultants ready to amplify their impact and reach a wider audience
Let's Get To Work!
Class Tuition - $495
Leverage the power of LinkedIn Sales Navigator to attract 10-25 quality prospects to your profile daily.
Working together as a team, let me show you a new technology and process for LinkedIn 'Sales Navigator' that will help you adequately promote yourself or your product to sales prospects and hiring managers throughout the Internet Universe.
Profile-Visitor 👉 Where the rubber meets the road
About Peter C. Ekstrom
In 1992, Peter founded Patrina Corporation - the very first PC-based cloud platform for storing and retrieving archived data history. His first customer was the NYSE for archiving and providing remote access to their daily sales reports.
In 2002, Peter founded Dealbuilders, a business development accelerator that assists emerging software companies in launching their products. Since its inception, Peter has successfully supported numerous startups, guiding them to exits totaling over $1.2 billion globally.
Peter is the creator of the Gold Call Script Builder Kit, an elearning sales call scripting tool to help entrepreneurs and salespeople negotiate for the attention of sales prospects on the phone. Adopted by 100s of companies including Oracle, Google Apps, Xerox, Standard & Poor's, State Farm.
Peter is an adjunct instructor and curriculum developer teaching at the Lubin School of Business - Pace University.
Peter's Gold Call Script Builder Kit is part of the curriculum taught at business schools worldwide.
Peter is a civilian volunteer for all branches of the US military, sounding Taps at the internment ceremonies of our military veterans.